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Feliratkozás hírlevélre
Nyitnikék óvoda 2023. szeptember - október
Busy bee Group
Sept. 4.-8. 2023 – Numbers 1-20
One, two,
Buckle my shoe
Movement game
Simon says
Flashcard game
– Show and tell activity
– Matching game (numbers with objects)
The very hungry caterpillar by Eric Carle
Sept. 11.-15. 2023 – Topic: Birds ( Migratory birds-Stork, swallow, non-migratory-pigeon, tit, trush, sparrow, crow )
– Flashcard touch game
– Little bird dance
Flashcard game
– The missing flashcard game
– Memory game
- Guessing animal sounds
Arts and crafts
Paper stork folding
The Fox and The Stork- Short story for kids
Simple math
Compare birds (big and small)
Sept. 18.-22. 2023 – Topic: Autumn fruits (apple, plum, pear, grapes, fig, pumpkin)
September poem
Mild September brings us more
Fruit and grain, for winter store
Five Apples in The Apple Tree
Movement game
– Fruit hunt
– Apple tree, apple tree
Flashcard game
– Matching game
– Guess the fruit
– Feed the Squirrel with autumn fruits
Arts and crafts
Coloring sheet ( Color only the autumn fruits)
Bad Apple: A tale of friendship by Edward Hemingway
Simple math
Apple maze (Age appropriate)
Sept. 25.-29. 2023 – Topic: Farm animals
Steve and Maggie with Farm Animals
Movement game
Find the right animal game ( listen to the sound, guess the animal and go find the right one and put it inside the barn)
Flashcard game
– Animals matching games (babies, homes ...)
– Card Memory game
Arts and crafts
Coloring sheets (farm animals)
The cow loves cookies
Simple math
Farm animals counting puzzle
Oct. 02.-06. 2023
– Fall leaves poem

– Autumn leves are falling down
Movement game

– The animals in the Forest
Flashcard game
Learn Forest Animals
Oct. 09.-013. 2023
three are yellow on the ground
one just fell upon my head.

Fall and Autumn Counting Song
Movement game
Forest Dance
Flashcard game
Arts and crafts
Sponge painting ( Forest and farm animals)
Simple math
Oct. 16.–20. 2023 – Topic: Autumn vegetables
The vegetable

Movement game
Flashcard game
Onion, carrot, potato, pumpkin, lettuce, corn, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, garlic, eggplant, mushroom, celery
Arts and crafts
Classroom Readers: The farmer's vegetables
Simple math
Oct. 24.–27. 2023 – Topic: Halloween
Movement game
Halloween Freeze Dance
-Halloween walk game
Flashcard game
Arts and crafts
-Paper strip pumpkinStory
Simple math
– Circle and count the Halloween pictures
Cricket Group
Sept. 11.-15. 2023 – Topic: All about me
1. Colors - What's your favorite color?
2. Numbers - How old are you?
3. Fruits - What's your favorite fruit?
4. Animals - What's your favorite animal?
5. Face - What color are your eyes? What color is your hair?
The children are trying to answer in sentences.
Draw yourself
What I like about me written by Allia Zobel-Nola
– Making groups based on the hair / eye color.
– How many kids are in one group?
– Which one is more?
Sept. 18.-22. 2023 – Topic: Transportation and vehicles

– airplane - hold arms like wings and spin in circle,
– bicycle - sit down and pedal with legs,
– car - walking around,
– train - sit down with stretched legs and move arms,
- boat - rowing movements
transportation: bus, motorbike, car, airplane, truck, boat, ship,train, bicycle
Sept. 25.-29. 2023 –Topic: Welcome to the farm!
The cow said mooo...
Old Mc. Donald/Animals on the farm
– The animals to their pens.
– Peck like a chicken,
– Waddle like a duck,
– Strut like a rooster,
– Glide like a goose,
– Kick like a donkey,
– Gallop like a horse
Arts and crafts
DIY: Origami Animal Faces
What the ladybird heard
Simple math
*How much there are?.
*Classify animals
Oct. 02.–06. 2023


Movement game
– Pumpkin patch hop:
Lay the movement pumpkins out on the floor. Turn on the music and let the kids hop or walk between the pumpkins. When the music stops have the kids perform the action shown on their pumpkin.
– Actions:
march, jump, one leg balance, run, dance, swim, clap, wave
Flashcard game
– Autumn fruits: apple, grapes, plum, pear, fig, elderberry.
– Autumn vegetables: sweet potatoes, pumpkin, corn, eggplant, cabbage, squash, mushroom, radish, spinach
Arts and crafts

The very hungry caterpillar
Oct. 09.–13. 2023
I'm a little Scarecrow
Movement game
Dingle Dangle Scarecrow!
Flashcard game
leaves, corn, acorn, pumpkin, harvest, hay, scarecrow, crow, windy, rake
Oct. 16.–20. 2023 – Topic: Forest animals
The (animals) in the forest go (sound)
Walking in The Forest
Movement game
Mimicking animals ( the animals in the forst go )
Flashcard game
Deer, moose, bear, fox, hedgehog, owl, snake, woodpecker, rabbit, squirrel, mouse, wolf
Arts and crafts
Hedgehog paper plates
Walking Through The Forest
Simple math
Counting puzzle
Oct. 24.–27. 2023 – Topic:Halloween
Trick or treat,
Movement game
Pass The Pumkin
Halloween hop:
The teacher is the witch with the broom. “I am a very silly witch and I am going to cast a very silly spell on you. I am going to wave my broom and turn all of you into frogs.Now, how do frogs move around? Jump around! When I put my broom down, you will all stop.” Spells: frog, snake, bunny, giants, spider (they have to move like the animals). :
The Skeleton Dance
Arts and crafts
Puffy Ghost Halloween Craft
Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson